

但是人都是犯贱的,别人歧视你的时候,你总是害怕被歧视,发现没有人歧视你,又想着体验一下被种族歧视找找乐子。后来偶然在网上看了一个说唱PK脱口秀,节目名字叫Wild ‘N Out,里面经常出镜的是一个祖籍泰国的亚男和一群黑哥舌战群雄,好像也有少数几个白人,他们在舞台上互相PK说唱,输出各式各样非常有创意的种族刻板印象笑话,但是他们私下都是朋友,台上也会为对方精彩的笑话鼓掌叫好,从此以后我开始变得越来越喜欢和欣赏这些带有种族刻板印象的笑话,经常看看还顺便能提高听力,学到很多新的俚语,最后甚至我自己都开始日常收集一些这样的笑话,因为觉得特别好玩。

比如中国拳王张志磊对阵某黑人选手,一拳KO对方赢了拳击比赛以后,油管视频底下有个评论:The last punch is for all the Chinese restaurant workers in the hood!(最后一拳是为了给在黑人区中餐馆工作人员复仇),最近还看到一个Tiktok上的亚裔男对阵白女互相roast(开玩笑黑对方),亚男嘲讽:Name three countries outside North America. (请你说三个北美洲以外的国家,以此来嘲笑美国傻白甜白女地理不好没文化,对美国以外的国际事务一无所知) 白女反击:Name three dogs you have eaten in the past week. (请你说这周吃过的三条狗的名字)

这些看多了以后,最后甚至自己能根据新闻时事,自己“研发”出新的种族偏见玩笑,比如川普为了打击非法移民,竞选的时候说俄亥俄州的Springfield地区有很多海地移民在吃猫,我听到后的第一反应是:So Haitian is the new Asian?(所以海地移民是新的亚裔?之前对亚裔特别是中国人的刻板印象之一是吃猫吃狗,这两个词还押韵非常适合说唱)

回到自己的性癖好方面,由于自己非常喜欢女王的语言羞辱,自然而然开始接触到raceplay,并且还有点喜欢。刚开始还有点羞耻和有负罪感,后来看到有国人大哥操着破碎的英语去AMG(American Mean Girls)视频工作室面试被狂虐和羞辱,我对raceplay开始越加着迷。特别是AMG工作室针对每个种族的raceplay片子都有,但我觉得她们对黑人的raceplay会小心一点,旁边会注明“不喜勿入”,或者提醒是别人自愿定制的视频,而对其他种族的就不会特别在意,甚至听国人大哥说第一次发邮件联系后,收到的称呼就是chink了,也不会问你是不是能接受raceplay,我怀疑是国人喜欢raceplay的人太多了,导致她们都直接默认国人都能接受。




Hello Goddess XXX,

I’m sorry for bothering you as a worthless loser. You are gorgeous with blonde hair and blue eyes. You turn me on so much, and I will drop to my knees and bow down immediately if I see you in real life. Below is the roleplay script I wrote for both sessions and custom videos. The consensual raceplay part is very controversial and you don’t have to follow that part if you don’t feel comfortable. I hope that at least my script gives you some inspiration but feel free to improvise!

Your computer is broken, and you call a technician to fix it. The technician is me and he is an absolute failure because he is

  1. an Asian loser with a nonexistent inverted dick and tiny balls.
  2. a short fat pig with pea brains in the shape of a human who barely speaks English and has always been drooling for no reason.
  3. a weak chink submissive who only worships superior tall white goddesses and loves licking their shoes, including the bottoms. He enjoys being kicked in the balls and with his ugly face being stepped on by a hot white woman.

The moment he sneaks into your house, you notice something is wrong that he constantly looks at your feet and shoe closet, but he is very friendly and willing to help you out with your computer issues, so you try your best to hold your temper and tolerate his unprofessional weird behavior. Later he said he might need more time like an hour to do the inspection and download a new operating system, so he asks you to leave him alone while he does the job. He even makes an inappropriate joke that you are so hot that you distract him from his work.

Finally, you leave him alone and go outside to do some yoga. You even flirt with your 6’5 hot boyfriend over the phone about late night plans. You said vanilla sex starts to feel boring and you as an exhibitionist wish someone was tied up to a chair watching you having sex with a hot man.

About 30 minutes later, you come back to the living room and find out this Asian loser technician is missing! You thought he could be using the restroom, but when you open the door of your closet, you see this creepy Asian loser hiding there and sniffing your shoes with one heel hanging on his face and another one in his mouth. He is quivering and stuttering with the worst excuse ever that he said he wants to clean the shoes for free as an extra service so he can get some tips and receive a 5-star review later.

You are shocked and scream “Eww, WTF are you doing with my shoes, loser!“ You immediately kick him off balance and step on his face saying you are going to call the police unless this disgusting Chink loser can let you take a video of him licking the bottom of your shoes for fun. He has no choice but to comply because he feels so weak right now and from now on he will be stuck in this rabbit hole deeper and deeper. He also confessed that he is the “victim” of gorgeous tall white women like you and can do anything to please you, including being your human toilet for your convenience and entertainment.

You start laughing and say he is one of the most pathetic losers you have ever seen for a long time. Superior hot white women would never even touch a small dick chink loser like him. You only want to use his tongue to clean the bottom of your heels and kick him in the balls brutally before he squirms away like a worm between your long sexy legs.

You even threaten to expose him by sending that embarrassing shoe-licking video to his company and boss if he doesn’t pay the loser tax every month to make you happy and let you cuck him in person for your entertainment whenever you snap your finger and summon him.

That’s what I have for now, and please be creative to make a great video for me. The emphasis should be on how superior a white woman is and how inferior a pathetic chink loser is.

Some of the turn-on words are pathetic loser, chink loser, Asian loser, tiny Asian dick, Asian cuck loser, Asian bitch, superior white goddess, shoe whore, shoe licker, and bottom feeder.

Let me know if you like the script or not, we will have a lot of fun:)

Thank you!